Overview of CEG

Who We Are
Centre for Economic Governance is a civil society organization whose vision is a society where there is economic justice and equity for all. CEG fulfils her mandate by promoting good governance and enhancing social accountability, transparency and public participation. This is achieved through training and capacity building, conducting policy research and policy influencing and advocacy at both the sub-national and national levels among citizen and government officials.
CEG therefore, seeks to influence change among policy makers, civil society and citizens at the national and local levels for the benefit of the poor and marginalized particularly with regard to equity in resource mobilization, allocations and spending in the provision of services and development.
What We Do
Research conducted on Review of Solid waste Management and Sanitation in Nairobi County: Case Study Kibra Sub County. Some of the findings of the study is Solid waste management in Kibra Sub County has been organized in three different ways; individuals selected by the County, community groups (Community Based Organisations) and private companies. The individuals selected by county work mainly on the tarmac roads, the Community based organisations collect from different households at a fee of Kenya shillings 20, and private companies are sub contracted by the county government to collect garbage from holding points only. Despite the efforts to collect and dispose solid waste, Kibra Sub County still is not clean and residents remain exposed to diseases such as malaria, cholera and dysentery and air pollution.
Research study on Local Government Property Tax Administration and Collaboration with Central Government was to evaluate how much local government collect from property tax, its collaboration with national government and identify the challenges and make recommendations.
In capacity development work done through Peer to Peer (P2P) Learning Initiatives among county governments focused on promoting exchange in knowledge, skills and information that would enable them to enhance their fiscal capacities and Own Source Revenues (OSRs). The Peer to Peer Learning process entailed formation of learning alliances that focused on performance contracts, automation and legal frameworks for county own source revenue mobilization and administration. The county officials formed collaborative multi-stakeholder groupings that held successive meetings to share information and exchange knowledge based on practice and experience.
Citizen engagement and advocacy work entails awareness creation of citizens in the counties on their rights and responsibilities. This work has focused mostly on budget analysis and budget advocacy and promotion of citizen and community organizations participation in budgeting processes. The engagement is also sector specific in some areas such as Kibra Sub-County where the groups have focused on allocations in protection of environment and sanitation.
Our Team

Rose Wanjiru
Executive Director
Ms Rose Wanjiru, has a wealth of experience of over 15 years in research, advocacy and capacity development. She has worked with different civil society organisations previously like Action Aid International and World Vision. She is also part of the Advisory Committee for Effective Institution Platforms (EIP) which is a loose network of development partners, partner countries and civil society organisations. She has a Master’s in Business Administration and on-going Masters in International Relations and Diplomacy.)

Mercy Thiru
Program Officer
Mercy Thiru, assists in writing research/project proposal, data collection and entry and project documentation. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics & Mathematics from Kenyatta University.