Centre for Economic Governance
Centre for Economic Governance (CEG) is a civil society organization whose vision is a society where there is economic justice and equity for all. CEG seeks to influence change among policy makers, civil society and citizens at the national and local levels for the benefit of the poor and marginalized particularly with regard to equity in resources mobilization, allocations and spending in the provision of services and development.
Our Vision
A society where there is economic justice and equity for all.
Our Mission
To promote a culture of accountability, equitable delivery of services and sustainable development through policy research, advocacy and capacity development and working with Government and Civil Society.
Budget advisory and technical support is one of the things we do best

Centre for Economic Governance (CEG) has offered technical Support to Counties on budgeting and Oversight processes both to the County Executive and Assemblies.We have worked closely with the county governments of Laikipia, Taita Taveta, Nairobi and Kiambu as we look forward to extend our hand to other counties.
We do research, technical support and training on public participation

We carried out a rapid survey on public participation covering 3 counties of Laikipia, Kitui, and Kwale on behalf of GROOTS and NCCK; and provided Technical Support to Laikipia Assembly in Preparation of the Laikipia County Public Participation Act, 2014. We were was also involved in the in development of the Model Public Participation Law a process championed by The Devolution Forum, a CSOs network seeking to influence and to oversee the full implementation of devolution as envisaged in the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

Case Study: Laikipia County
Laikipia County is one of the 47 counties in Kenya, located on the Equator in the former Rift Valley Province of the country. Laikipia is a cosmopolitan county with two major urban centres: Nanyuki to the southeast, and Nyahururu to the southwest.
Public Finance Management
We trained Members of County Assembly on budgeting making and oversight processes.
Technical Support & Capacity Building
We provided technical support to Laikipia County in preparation for their public participation Act 2014.
Our Videos
Rose Wanjiru of the Centre for Economic Governance speaks about the importance of research on property taxation for helping civil society to engage in a neglected issue that has important implications for equity and resource distribution.
Defining Peer to Peer learning, and defining its benefits.
National peer to peer learning forum opening statement.
Our Publications
Local Government Property Tax Administration and Collaboration With Central Government.
Property taxes are a major source of revenue at sub-national levels in most countries, but their administration is complex, and in most cases the process involves both national and sub-national governments. In Kenya, county governments have legislative authority to levy property taxes and the responsibility to finance some of the cost of the services they provide. This study examines existing and potential areas of collaboration between national and county governments in property tax administration using case studies of Kiambu, Laikipia and Machakos Counties.
Automation for County Own Source Revenue: Gaps, Challenges and Solutions.
Thirty Four (34) Counties have acquired revenue management systems from various vendors. However, 97% of these Counties have only been able to utilize the Revenue Collection module and not other processes.
Performance Contract Management for Enhancing County Own Source Revenue.
While most counties have initiated the process of performance contracting such as capacity building, identification of indicators and targets, negotiation, vetting and signing of performance contracts, they have not consistently undertaken the rest of the process i.e mid-year performance review, performance evaluation and released evaluation results. Counties have not implemented performance contracting fully.
Key Issues from Peer to Peer Learning on Revenue Mobilization and Administration.
The County Governments in Kenya have three sources of finances namely the equitable share, conditional grants and own sources revenues (OSR). On average the own sources revenues finances approximately, 11 percent of their expenditures. The county governments have a narrow tax assignment
and responsibility. Article 209(3)(4) of the Constitution assigns property rates, entertainment taxes and allows them to impose charges for the services they provide. In addition, parliament can assign counties more taxes by legislation.
Digital Mapping for Effective Participatory Budgeting
GIS maps developed with citizens can enhance development planning, equitable sharing of resources as well as communication and public relations. Traditionally Counties limited their use of GIS mapping to spatial plans prepared by their Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Development departments. Information on projects that seek to build the capacity of Wananchi to improve their lives and to determine their development paths and cut across more departments and sectors was considered in PB GIS projects mapping initiative.
Public Participation in Laikipia Kitui & Kwale.
GROOTS Kenya and NCCK, with support from DIAKONIA Sweden, are currently piloting the “Kaunti bora – jukumu letu” project to promote public participation in county governance processes in Laikipia, Kitui and Kwale County. To this end they commissioned a rapid survey on public participation in county governance processes in Laikipia, Kitui and Kwale Counties in November 2013.
Strengthening Accountability for Trade Growth.
Since its reestablishment, the East African Community (EAC) has formulated policies to initiate cooperation in different areas of focus as per the East African Community Treaty. The Treaty, in Article 7(a), proclaims that the Community is “people-centred” and “market-driven”. To give effect to the people centeredness of the Community, the policies that are crafted in different areas of cooperation have to reflect the interests, needs and rights of the people of East Africa.
Review of status of Public Participation, and County Information Dissemination Frameworks.
Public participation is a principle that has been given prominence in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Participation should imbue all public affairs and be promoted by both Non-State Actors and the State acting in public interest. The Constitution sets key requirements for the legislature at both levels of government to provide frameworks for public participation in governance processes.
Social Accountability in Africa: Practitioners’ Experiences and Lessons.
A collection of case studies from Africa on social accountability. This collection attempts to build a consolidated body of knowledge on social accountability efforts across the continent. The case studies are diverse and present unique approaches to how social accountability strategies and interventions are implemented within different countries.
Strategic Planning, Reviews and Monitoring and Evaluation
- Oxfam Kenya Programme: We developed the strategic plan to align with the Kenyan Constitution.
- East Africa Civil Society Forum: We did the Strategic Plan Review (2014) for the East Africa CSO Forum.
- Development of Forum SID: CEG developed the Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2017 for this organization.
- Action Aid International Kenya: We did the Mid Term Review (2014) of 2012-2017 Strategic Plan.
Our Focus Areas
- Applied Research
Our approach is primarily to find solutions through systematic investigation in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions in matters related to public finance management and services provision. To this end, CEG has carried out various studies on public participation, transparency, accountability, budget analysis, property taxations, among others.
- Capacity development and Training
Our approach entails facilitating individuals andorganisations both governmental and community, to acquire, improve and retain knowledge, skills and capabilities to set and achieve their own development objective over time. In line with this, we conduct training workshops, facilitate peer learning activities, sharing and knowledge exchange usingvarious mediums, processes and platforms.
- Citizen engagement
Our approach is informed by the fact that citizens and communities are part of the processes of informing development in their localities through participating in decision making, implementing and evaluating programs and projects by the government.Through this, citizens/community voices, particularly the most vulnerable in society, are heardon issues that affect them, their rights are safeguarded and their views considered in decision making. Citizens are empowered tospeak against injustices, indiscrimination and contribute to poverty reduction, improve their well-being and quality of life. We create awareness, train and capacity build community groups to exercise their responsibility as the right holders and also on how to organize themselves and engage the duty bearers so as to strengthen the delivery of key public services such as education, water supply, waste collection, among others.
- Policy Influencing and Advocacy
Our approach is to engage in policy influencing and advocacy that leads to change in legislations, policy and implementation processes. We use an array of tools such as research, multi-stakeholder dialogues, community engagement among others to diagnose the policy problems and identify possible solutions, set realistic objectives for policy influencing, develop a plan to achieve those objectives, monitor and learn from the progress made to reflect this learning back to our work.